John Robb: The Highest Good of Social Capitalism

QUOTE: The Summum Bonum (Highest Good) of Social Capitalism Summum Bonum = Latin for the highest good. The tranformation of Capitalism from an ancillary activity (as opposed to the activities of monarchs) into an engine of material and technological bounty was through the (likely accidental) introduction of an ethical/moral substrate. This ethical substrate enabled a …

John Robb: Links Centered on #OWS

LINKS: October 28, 2011 Some items of interest: FreeDRevolution. Cell-phone-like subsidy plan for 3d fabrication machines. Floating habitat made from recycled products. Funding available for alternative money platform research. Oakland’s mayor reverses decision regarding OWS. Podcast: What hackers can do to support OWS. Podcast: Designing for informal urban governance.