Review: Red Mafiya – How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I. Friedman

 5 Stars — Epic Reference With Two Gaps I have come to the conclusion that we need to bring our Special Operations hunter-killer teams home, and begin taking out gangsters using a special court and NSA data. They have no rights, they should be killed as needed. One has to read the book to grasp …

Robert Steele: Netanyahu Indicted — Are the US Traitors Next?

Netanyahu charged in corruption cases, deepening Israeli political disarray * Bribery, breach of trust and fraud among the charges ROBERT STEELE: A deal seems to have  been cut behind the scenes — a new era begins in Israel, perhaps leading to the end of Israel, the restoration of Palestine, and Jews living in peace in …

Yoda: Pozner vs. Fetzer — A Study in Corrupt Justice

Fake Law — Fetzer, Stone, Flynn — crooked judges, crooked prosecutors, ignorant juries (“award” jury should have refused to make any award absent its having heard the full case — judge should be removed from the bench for judicial malpractice and professional misconduct). Pozner vs. Fetzer All Legal Documents Free Online The Sandy Hook “Pozner …