Review (Guest): Lords of Secrecy – The National Security Elite and America’s Stealth Warfare

Scott Horton 5 out of 5 Stars. Excessive control that is out of control . . . By Still Singin’ on February 16, 2015 LORDS OF SECRECY is one of the finest books I’ve read on national security “creep.” Scott Horton manages to retain at least some distance from obvious bias, but some of the …

Review (Guest): Thieves of State – Why Corruption Threatens Global Security

Sarah Chayes 5 of 5 Stars. An Important Book By Deborah O’Keeffe on January 26, 2015 I believe Thieves of State is a must-read for anyone concerned about promoting peace and civility in communities, nations, and the world. Sarah Chayes compellingly discusses how the corrupt practices of governments and authorities spawn violent reactionary movements that …

Review: National Insecurity – American Leadership in an Age of Fear

David Rothkopf 4.0 out of 5 stars SUPERB Conclusion–Has Flaws But Still a Strong Contribution, February 25, 2015 Wow. I have met the author and I gave an earlier book of his, Running the World: The Inside Story of the National Security Council and the Architects of American Power a strong review, but I was …

SchwartzReport: Treason at the Top — “National Security” Pork Over Education, Infrastructure, Family, and Everything Else

We have grossly inadequate funding for schools, infrastructure, elder care, child-care, and a host of other programs and projects that create a more compassionate and life-affirming society. But, boy, the dollars fall like a blizzard on the military industrial security industries. Here is the real truth of where you tax dollars are going. The sums …

Review: Convergence: Illicit Networks and National Security in the Age of Globalization

Edited by Michael Miklancic and Jacqueline Brewer 4.0 out of 5 stars First Class on the Illicit Networks Not Legalized by US Congress, December 15, 2014 This is a first-class book on the convergence of many illicit networks that Congress has not legalized. A sure sign of the book’s very high value and inherent quality …