Berto Jongman: Is Climate Change Australia’s Greatest National Security Issue?

Why climate change is Australia’s greatest national security issue They were given 13 threats or potential threats to consider: adverse global trends and challenges to the international system; terrorism and piracy; instability and failed or failing states; poverty, inequality, and poor governance; serious and organised crime; WMD proliferation; climate change; civil emergencies, including natural disasters …

Stephen E. Arnold: Oracle’s Seriously Stupid Security “Chief”

Oracle: The Ostrich Syndrome I read “Oracle’s Chief Security Officer Mary Ann Davidson Just Made as Rookie Mistake.” No, it has nothing to do with trying to breathe life into Oracle Secure Enterprise Search or increasing the content processing speed of Endeca. Those might be really difficult tasks. Read full post with copy of seriously …

Berto Jongman: Say NO to Mandated Cyber – Insecurity (“Keys Under Doormats”)

Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications We have found that the damage that could be caused by law enforcement exceptional access requirements would be even greater today than it would have been 20 years ago. In the wake of the growing economic and social cost of the …

Robert Steele: Homeland Security – The Much Bigger Picture

Homeland Security: The Much Bigger Picture Homeland Security Today, May 26, 2015 By: Robert David Steele As I scan the horizon across our homeland, what many of us think of as America the Beautiful, I cannot help but see something different — a troubled, even shocked, dysfunctional government, corrupt industry, the shallowness of our chattering …

Mongoose: Security flaw gave researcher the power to erase every video on YouTube

Security flaw gave researcher the power to erase every video on YouTube Today’s tale of apocalyptic internet near-misses comes from software developer Kamil Hismatullin, who discovered a security flaw in YouTube that allowed him to delete any video he wanted—or all of them, if he so desired. Fortunately, he did not so desire (although he apparently …