NATO Watch: UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence

UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence By Nigel Chamberlain, NATO Watch 2 October 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Announcing that Britain will host the special NATO Summit in 2014 to coincide with the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Prime Minister David Cameron said on …

Gianni Koshinas: What Afghanistan Needs After 2014: A lighter, smarter, long-term commitment

使用谷歌翻译在下一列的顶部。 गूगल अगले स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद का प्रयोग करें. Google sonraki sütunun üstünde Çevir kullanın. Используйте Google Translate на вершине соседней колонке. گوگل اگلے کالم میں سب سے اوپر ترجمہ کا استعمال کریں. What Afghanistan Needs After 2014:  A lighter, smarter, long-term commitment Gianni Koshinas Foreign Policy, 12 February 2013 Maintaining a large …

SmartPlanet: Fukushima Worse Than Ever, Japan Rates a “3” in Risk Severity

Japan nuclear crisis at its worst since 2011   Kyodo reports that 300 tons of radioactive water have leaked from a 1,000 ton tank at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. That led Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority to consider raising the incident from a Level 1 nuclear event to a Level 3 (a “serious incident” …

Stephen E. Arnold: Heat in Text Radar – See Semaphore Content Intelligence Solution by Smartlogic

The Heat in Text Radar: August 2 to August 8 Posted: 12 Aug 2013 01:42 PM PDT The Text Radar content intelligence and big data blog covered a multitude of issues surrounding the impact that big data is having on the way that more and more industries process and gain insights from their data. The …

James Stavrides: Interview on Smart Power by Oliver Barrett

Talking ‘Smart Power’ With Admiral Stavridis By Oliver Barrett US News & World Report, July 25, 2013 With one-liners like, “We are excellent at launching Tomahawk missiles; we need to get better at launching ideas,” it is not hard to appreciate why The New York Times labeled recently retired Admiral James Stavridis a “Renaissance admiral.” Labels like “innovator” …

SmartPlanet: Teacher Earns Million (in Korea); UPS Offers 3D Printing; Stock Exchange for Crowd-Funding

Korea’s million dollar private teachers You may think that a teacher could only achieve rock star status and be paid millions in some alternate universe. However, it’s really happening in South Korea – in the private sector. UPS stores now offer 3D printing services The UPS Store is the first nationwide retailer to offer 3D …