Anthony Judge: Julian Assange, Pontius Pilate, Easter Bunny….

Trial of Julian Assange — Who is the Pontius Pilate of Easter 2019? In dramatic anticipation of emergence of a Church of Julian The “triumvirate” of Manning-Assange-Snowden could be embodied in a single image, resembling that of Han Solo sealed in carbonite (as in a tombstone). This could be appropriately and elegantly displayed under a …

Mongoose: 14 Reasons Why the New Zealand Mosque Attack Could Be a False Flag Mossad Operation UPDATE 4: Repaired from Shit Steemit

14 Reasons Why the New Zealand Mosque Attack Could Be a ‘False-Flag’ Mossad Operation 1 The Dog Whistle: My Fellow White People 2 The “Uneducated White Male” Caricature 3 Too Stupid For Grammar, Yet So Smart He Profits from Bitconnect/Bitcoin 4 Iran Connection (1): Visits to North Korea, One of Iran’s Few Political Allies 5 …

Robert Steele: Is Pierre Omidyar #GoogleGestapo 2.0 with Zionist Agenda, Still Neo-Liberal and Anti-Trump?

Pierre Omidyar’s Influence Empire MintPress 18 Feb – by Alexander Rubinstein and Max Blumenthal Part I:  How One of America’s Premier Data Monarchs is Funding a Global Information War and Shaping the Media Landscape (18 February 2019) Through his purchase of influence over the daily flow of information to American media consumers, a dizzying array of …

BREAKING: Ed Jewett: YouTube Collapsing — Advertisers Fleeing From Pedophilia Networks [Robert Steele: YouTube Has a SYSTEM-WIDE Failure That ENCOURAGES Pedophilia and STOLEN IDENTITIES and COPYRIGHT violations] UPDATE 1: Soooeeeeee

YouTube loses advertisers over “wormhole into pedophilia ring” Epic Games and Disney pull ads over pedophiles’ comments on videos of children. “Videos of children showing their exposed buttocks, underwear and genitals are racking up millions of views on YouTube—with the site displaying advertising from major cosmetics and car brands alongside the content,” Wired UK wrote. …

Ed Jewett: Is Monica Elfriede Witt a Fake Defector to Iran – a False Flag Provocation from Zionist and Neocons in the USA?

Some reports refer to Witt as a “captain”, but she wasn’t an Air Force captain. Witt was enlisted. She was last stationed at Andrews Air Force Base but there is no record of how she actually defected to Iran. She allegedly separated from the Air Force in 2008 then went to work for the private …