WATCH: ‘You Can’t Watch This’ Movie Will Reveal Impact of Big Tech Censorship

WATCH: ‘You Can’t Watch This’ Movie Will Reveal Impact of Big Tech Censorship “You Can’t Watch This” is a new film promises to chronicle the big tech purges of Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Tommy Robinson, Gavin McInnes, and Paul Joseph Watson. The movie, set to be released on May 15, will offer a behind-the-scenes perspective …

Ben Harrison: Big Tech Censorship

“The techno-fascist organizations like Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even Wikipedia have become a clear and present danger to humanity. ”  Natural Re-Published with Permission. Visit Ben at Ben Garrison @ Phi Beta Iota

Mongoose: Zionist Rothschilds Own Reuters & Associated Press — While their Anti-Defamation League Censors #GoogleGestapo

Reuters and Associated Press 100% Owned By Zionist Rothschild: History Of The House Of The Rothschild Phi Beta Iota: There is no “free press” anywhere. The mainstream media including Fox is controlled, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is censoring, manipulating, and digitally assassinating (de-platforming) across #GoogleGestapo (Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, et al).

Robert Steele: PBI Being Censored & Defamed, Seek Evidence for Federal Lawsuit

Phi Beta Iota is being massively censored in the aftermath of my posting an expose on New Zealand in which I identified myself as a white nationalist.  I am white, I am a nationalist, and I am also a supporter of our President.  I am also non-violent and not a member of any supremacist or …

Mike Adams: President Trump can end Big Tech’s treasonous censorship with a single signature… here’s how

President Trump can end Big Tech’s treasonous censorship with a single signature… here’s how There is a simple, powerful way that President Trump can end Big Tech’s evil censorship with a single signature. It requires no act of Congress, no regulatory action and no criminal prosecution (although, at this point, it seems that criminally prosecuting …

Donald Trump Jr.: Conservatives Face a Tough Fight as Big Tech’s Censorship Expands Includes Devin Nunes Video on $250M Lawsuit Against Twitter

Conservatives face a tough fight as Big Tech’s censorship expands From “shadowbans” on Facebook and Twitter, to demonetization of YouTube videos, to pulled ads for Republican candidates at the critical junctures of election campaigns, the list of violations against the online practices and speech of conservatives is long.

Mongoose: ABANDON Google on False Flag — Totally Totally Censored and Dishonest — Use DuckDuckGo Instead

Google News is now actively censoring Robert David Steele’s articles in otherwise indexed publications (e.g. Tehran Times) at the same time that it is blacklisting important publications such as American Herald Tribune. Google Search is now actively censoring both terms and sources related to false flag analysis. DuckDuckGo does not have these issues EXCEPT in …