Paul Craig Roberts: Cynthia McKinney On Leadership

Cynthia McKinney On Leadership October 2, 2012 Those who have followed the Republican campaign for the presidential nomination and current contest between Romney and Obama know that the United States has no political leadership in Washington. Billions of dollars have been spent on political propaganda, but not a single important issue has been addressed. The …

Worth a Look: The Power Principle

“A gripping, deeply informative account of the plunder, hypocrisy, and mass violence of plutocracy and empire; insightful, historically grounded and highly relevant to the events of today.” – Michael Parenti, Historian, Author The Face of Imperialism The Power Principle: This three part documentary is downloadable for free online. After the end of World War …

Mati Nissani: Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco

Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco “Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.”—Lenin  …by  Moti Nissani, Ph.D. Prof. Emeritus, Wayne State University Rand Paul Summary: For many years, the liberty movement’s aspirations and actions have been focused on the presidential candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul. In Early June, this strategy backfired, following …

Michel Bauwens: Emergence, Crisis, Replacement

Emergence, Crisis, and Replacement of the Era of Decentralized Networks “Technology, and particularly communications technology, generates the conditions of possibility for changes in power structures. Daniel R. Headrick argues in The Tools of Empire that 19th century European imperialism, which at one point controlled three quarters of the surface of the Earth, only became possible …