SPECIAL: Covert British Military Intelligence False Flag Fake News Smear and Disinformation Machine Moving Into USA UPDATE 1: Twitter Smearing of Corbyn and Assange

Covert British Military-Smear Machine Moving into US After mobilizing a disinformation campaign across Europe, documents show that the Integrity Initiative is now infiltrating the U.S., report Max Blumenthal and Mark Ames. A bombshell domestic spy scandal has been unfolding in Britain, after hacked internal communications exposed a covert U.K. state military-intelligence psychological warfare operation targeting its own …

Anonymous: Will the Internet Get Real? A Manifesto on False Flags, Big Lies, and the Loss of Integrity by All Law Enforcement Agencies and the Media

Much of Alternative Media and the Alt-Right is Allowing for the Subversion of America: The Resistance Has Been Usurped. Feel free to share, publish, email, by Anonymous. How many websites and supposed “investigative voices” are focused on the fact there is no / zero substantive evidence any one actually died, let alone was wounded, at …

Penguin: Open Source Model for Education (Robert Steele: Education, Intelligence, & Research Need to be Managed Togerther

Open Source as a Model for Global Education Matthew Rascoff & Noah Pinkus Both competition and transfer are equally insufficient as frameworks for the global education strategy we need for our complex, interconnected world. This autumn, 268 undergraduate students from 27 nations on six continents are pioneering a new “open-source” model as they begin their …

Steven Aftergood: Army Admits Intelligence Sucks

ARMY NEEDS INTELLIGENCE TO FACE “PEER THREATS” U.S. Army operations increasingly depend on intelligence to help confront adversaries who are themselves highly competent, the Army said this week in a newly updated publication on military intelligence. Future operations “will occur in complex operational environments against capable peer threats, who most likely will start from positions …