Tom Atlee: Citizens Panel Cuts 2.2 Trillion in One Hour

Dear friends, The 160-person British Columbian Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform took every other weekend for a year to research and reach consensus on the best method for their province’s election process. The fourteen citizens in a Danish Consensus Conference take several weekends over several months to learn about their assigned technical issue and come …

DefDog: Panetta Within Reach of Defeating Al Qaeda–Four Trillion and a Quarter Century to Get Back to 1988

This would be a comic farce if it were not the largest sinkhole for money in the US arsenal of fraud.  Change in people,no change in rhetoric…… Panetta says U.S. is ‘within reach’ of defeating Al Qaeda The new defense chief says intelligence uncovered in the Bin Laden raid showed that 10 years of U.S. …

The Criminal Insanity of Both US Parties–Borrow One Trillion a Year, Debate About Tax Increases

Dem plan for millionaire surtax intended to soften GOP By Alexander Bolton 05/18/11 The Hill Senate Democrats are using their proposal to raise taxes on millionaires as a stalking-horse to force Republicans to accept other tax increases. Read rest of article…. Phi Beta Iota: The Hill is letting us down when it fails to provide …

Bin Laden Show 23: Ding Dong Osama’s Dead–Ten Years and Trillions Too Late–A PR Stunt

JOURNAL: Ding Dong Osama’s Dead Too little too late.  A couple of trillion $$ and ten years late.  Too little in that we got a corpse instead of a captive, when there was an opportunity to take him alive (or “mostly dead” if you get the reference). In all, we got more of a PR …