Schwartz Report: Building Small — Economies of Number

Public release date: 2-Nov-2012   .   Contact: Evan Nowell   .   .   Columbia Business School   Building small: In many industries, economies of size is shifting to economies of numbers NEW YORK — November 2, 2012 — For decades, “bigger is better” has been the conventional path to efficiency in industries ranging from transportation to power …

Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]

Open education has at least three components:  free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).  More broadly defined, open education is “root” for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.  Open education has …

Michel Bauwens: Open Beats Closed – Slowly But Surely

Open and Shut Mark Pesce MoosesCloud, 27 October 2012 EXTRACT: “Closed can not fight open.  It can not find purchase to land a blow.  Microsoft has fought a decades-long war against Linux, only to lose the battle conclusively as the world moves to smartphones (Android), and embedded devices (such as the Light) running Linux.  Windows …

Patrick Meier: Hybrid Mergers of Crowdsourcing and Computers

The Limits of Crowdsourcing Crisis Information and The Promise of Advanced Computing First, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the dozen or so iRevolution readers who recently contacted me. I have indeed not been blogging for the past few weeks but this does notmean I have decided to stop blogging altogether. I’ve simply been …

Stephen E. Arnold: Email Gets THE HONK (Not Indexed by Any Search Engine) and a Free Copy of Landscape of Search Monograph

Email to subscribe to this unindexed newsletter, and also receive a free copy of the monograph by Stephen E. Arnold, The Landscape of Search. See Also: Steven Arnold: The Google Trilogy E-Book Stephen E. Arnold: From Bad Search to Predictive Analytics Snake Oil 2002 Arnold (US) Nomadic Computing: Anytime, Anyplace Access 1998 Arnold (US) …

Bojan Radej: Can the Military “Pull” All-Source Fused Data to the Squad?

The Military’s New Challenge: Knowing What They Know by Chris Young Harvard Business Review | 2:00 PM September 20, 2012 For soldiers in the field, immediate access to — and accurate interpretation of — real-time imagery and intelligence gathered by drones, satellites, or ground-based sensors can be a matter of life and death. Capitalizing on …