Cynthia McKinney: The Truth on Libya–Another War of Lies

LIBYA AND THE BIG LIE: USING HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS TO LAUNCH WARS Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya The war against Libya is built on fraud. The United Nations Security Council passed two resolutions against Libya on the basis of unproven claims, specifically that Colonel Muammar Qaddafi was killing his own people in Benghazi. The claim in its …

Review: World on the Edge – How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse

Lester Brown 4.0 out of 5 stars The One Book to Buy of Brown’s–By No Means the Whole Picture, September 10, 2011 I’ve read and reviewed a number of books by Lester Brown and his advocacy agency, and have especially appreciated the State of the World series, and his Plan B Series that keeps getting …

Worth a Look: Pull Together Now!

Place-to-Place, Face-to-Face, for a Sustainable Future PTN Mission Pull Together Now!’s  purpose is to unite and support people committed to a peaceful and sustainable future across our shared, finite planet. We believe that the people of the world will transcend all religious, social, ethnic and political barriers and pull together place-to-place, face-to-face in support of …