ZeroHedge: Violent American Summer, Collapse in September

The Fourth Turning: A Summer Of Rage And The Total Eclipse Of The Deep State The DNC has called for a George Soros-financed ‘Resistance Summer’, in which protestors are encouraged to invade town halls, and organize rallies and neighborhood meetings to undermine President Trump. This will culminate in a national training being billed as a …

Sibel Edmonds: FBI COINTELPRO — In the Business of Blackmailing Elite Pedophiles

Welcome to Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds. A new accuser has come forward alleging sexual assault in a lawsuit filed against Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. The accuser claims that Hastert sodomized him in the 70s when he was 9 years old.  …  to truly understand the big picture, the truth, we need …