Yoda: Zionist Motivations for Assassinating JFK – the Archives

From 2014 now circulating in conservative patriotic circles. DOJ Files Prove President Kennedy & Robert Kennedy fighting Zionists When Murdered These fascinating historical documents were released on June 10, 2008 under a Freedom of Information Act. I have in bold critical information during President Kennedy’s fight to the death to get the Jewish Lobby registered …

Rebecca Campbell: The End of #GoogleGestapo?

Save your video files! Health Ranger to launch YouTube alternative that protects the free speech of real Americans As every informed person is well aware, Google / YouTube has been on a censorship rampage against conservative voices, not just demonetizing accounts but deleting them altogether. The radical Left’s “speech purge” is well under way, and …

James Tracy: Parkland Shooting – Top 10 Reasons for Deeper Interrogation

Over the past several years certain certain US mass shootings receive round-the-clock coverage yet often possess curious features which are ignored and merely accepted “as reported” by less-than-trustworthy corporate media. Bizarre circumstance and the sometimes inexplicable actions of officials, victims, eyewitnesses and would-be culprits give rise to concern that government agencies and news media act …

Owl: The Broken Culture

Playground Hierarchies and Bullying Socialize Men to Take on the REAL Bullies in Government and Corporations This long article is superb, with original thinking in the two articles (one by a very thoughtful US Marine) discussed and commentary. It offers the best socio-cultural-psychological analysis I have seen on what happened in Florida and in so …