Reference: Ken Bausch on Third Phase Science and Dialogic Design Science

FREE BLEEDING EDGE THINKING  —  ADVANCES IN ACHIEVING INTELLIGENCE WITH INTEGRITY Memorable Short-Cut: 2012-03-04 Ken Bausch on Third Phase Science (Handout) 2012-03-04 Ken Bausch Third Phase Science (Slides) The George Washington University University Seminar on Reflexive Systems Friday, March 2, 2012 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm Funger Hall, Room 320, 2201 G Street NW A …

Review (Guest): Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonization, and Capitalism: The Bowl with One Spoon

Anthony J. Hall 5.0 out of 5 stars Worth the Time and Effort- A Transformative Journey, October 17, 2010 Carol Liane Brouillet “9-11 activist” (Palo Alto, CA, USA) Earth into Property is the second book in a series, the first being The American Empire and the Fourth World: The Bowl With One Spoon, which together …

Review: The Nazi Hydra in America – Suppressed History of a Century

Glen Yeadon 4.0 out of 5 stars Lacks Visualization and Genealogy, A Good Start,March 3, 2012 I eagerly anticipated receipt of this book, but when it arrived I had two immediate reactions: 01) A serious work that offers new information about American corporations betraying the public interest; and 02) Totally lacking in visualizations and “trees” …

Robert Steele: Itemization of Information Pathologies

In support of the Berkman Center’s conference on truthness, below is an extract from THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Book / Evolver Edition, 5 June 2012). EXTRACT: I now realize that neither governments nor corporations are “fixed” obstacles. In a world of constantly changing information, it is …

David Swanson: Nobel Peace Prize in Toilet – Pressure Mounts to Rescind Obama Award and Clean Up the Entire Process

Petition: Investigate Betrayal of the Nobel Peace Prize Dear Members of Stockholm’s County Administrative Board: The signers of this petition include an array of peace groups and peace activists based in the United States.   The undersigned wish to endorse and support the investigation that Stockholm’s County Administrative Board has reportedly begun based on it supervisory …

Paul Craig Roberts: US Government Riddles & Issues

Why Can’t Americans Have Democracy? Syria has a secular government as did Iraq prior to the american invasion. Secular governments are important in Arab lands in which there is division between Sunni and Shi’ite. Secular governments keep the divided population from murdering one another. When the american invasion, a war crime under the Nuremberg standard …