Del Spurlock Jr.: Requiem for the All-Volunteer Force — and a Comment on Thomas Ricks’ “The Generals”

I supported the all-volunteer force but I now recognize the wisdom of General Matthew Ridgeway–he warned against relying on all volunteer force..  In combination with a battlefield full of unaccountable contractors — and a military no longer able to go to war without contractors — the failures of our generals are part of a larger …

Eagle: Rolling Jubillee People’s bailout: A social innovation you won’t have heard about before…

If this can actually be done, i.e. the Credit Bureau records wiped clean, this is a vast socio-economic revolution in the making. People’s bailout: A social innovation you won’t have heard about before… #peoplesbailout Occupy Wall Street. Remember them? Well, in that well worn cliched phrase: They haven’t gone away you know! One of the …

Review: Independents Rising: Outsider Movements, Third Parties, and the Struggle for a Post-Partisan American

Jacqueline S. Salit 3.0 out of 5 stars TIRED — Out of Touch with Substance and Reality,November 10, 2012 I’ve gone through this book, it is a very fast read, in part because there is no real substance here. I list ten better books at the end. If you seek out my summary reviews you …

Jackie Salit: Obama & The Independents — Comment by Robert Steele on Why Independents — and Paulistas and Greens — Remain Irrelevant

Obama and Independents: The Micro, the Macro and the Forest by Jacqueline Salit The Obama campaign team did everything right. That’s the consensus among journalists, consultants, and the political class. I’ve watched some of them literally swoon over maps of the 50 states showing how the President’s campaign surgically identified pockets of “blue voters”, marooned …

Owl: Both Parties Died on 7 November 2012 — The Angry White Guy GOP *and* the Well-Intentioned Liberal Left — Gone, Gone, Gone

None of my liberal friends who I sent this article have responded or commented on it. Perhaps they cannot be bothered, since they are rejoicing at Obama’s win? Or could it be that Professor James Petras, who wrote it, and an outstanding scholar with many books and articles to his name, is puncturing their illusions …