Eagle: Colorado and Washington Legalize Marijuana

States Right tio Legalize Marijuana ETHAN NADELMANN, Drug Policy Alliance USA TODAY, 7 November 2012 The decision of the voters in Washington and Colorado to legalize and regulate marijuana much like alcohol, and the passage of medical marijuana in Massachusetts balanced by rejection in Oregon and Arkansas, I believe, is the beginning of the end …

Eagle: German View of America’s Decline – Five Step Healing Process Proposed by Robert Steele

Divided States of America:  Notes on the Decline of a Great Nation By SPIEGEL Staff 11/05/2012 The United States is frittering away its role as a model for the rest of the world. The political system is plagued by an absurd level of hatred, the economy is stagnating and the infrastructure is falling into a …

Mini-Me: Germans Suspect Federal Reserve Bank of NY Has Stolen 1536 MetricTonnes of Gold — On Tim Geithner’s Watch

Huh? Germans demand bullion back after Federal Reserve refuses to let them view their own gold Marc Howe Mining.com, 1 November 2012 A secret report by Germany’s Federal Audit Office leaked to the public last week states that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York refuses to allow Bundebank staff to even view the gold, …