Journal: Smoke, Mirrors, and Hades Burning on the Hill

This is a great example of the kind of gaming that keeps defense budgets high.  Kudos to Winslow Wheeler for smoking it out. On Dec 3, 2010, at 7:56 AM, Winslow Wheeler wrote: In a midnight switch, the Deficit Commission changed the dividing line between discretionary spending elements.  Was 050 (DOD,DOE, Misc.) versus the rest; …

NIGHTWATCH EXTRACT: STRATFOR Does Not Understand Intelligence

NIGHTWATCH For the record. STRATFOR published an essay on intelligence that posited that the tension in the intelligence world is between collectors and others and analysts. That mischaracterizes of the source of the tension and shows very limited insight. At the national level, among national agencies, there is an overwhelming volume of information sharing on …

Reflections on Convergence in 2012, Emergence Unknowable

Executive Summary: Extremes are in active conflict today within the USA, with Transpartisan Upwising being one extreme and the No Labels “Non-Party” being another extreme.  They join the dysfunctional extremists of the two-party tyranny/bi-opoly.  Not yet emergent is a co-creative function that brings together public money, public knowledge, and a public process to create a …

Review: Ideas and Integrities–A Spontaneous Autobiographical Disclosure

Buckminster Fuller 6 Star and Beyond–the Essence of Fuller, the Future of Humanity November 28, 2010 I did not truly begin to understand the breadth and depth of Buckminster Fuller’s thinking until I read this book as it deserves to be read, with full attention and detailed notes. This is one of those books that …

Reference: WikiLeaks and Al Qaeda as Open Source Insurgencies

Journal: The Security and Secrecy “Tax” – Global Guerrillas By John Robb at Global Guerrillas (Networked tribes, systems disruption, and the emerging bazaar of violence. Resilient Communities, decentralized platforms, and self-organizing futures) Wikileaks and Al Qaeda’s Open Source Jihad are both open source insurgencies. While there are obvious differences between the two, what’s more interesting …

Review: Griftopia–Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

Matt Taibbi 6 Star Game Changer….Maybe November 2, 2010 This is an extraordinary book, combining gifted insights and turns of phrase with serious research that has a point worth fighting for: Wall Street led by Goldman Sachs has ripped off the entire US economy, and they still have most people thinking that politics matters. It …