IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 4: Voting for Issues

Steele on Electoral Reform – Part 4: Voting for Issues Independent Voters Network, 11 March 2012 “Voters in all jurisdictions -the nation, states, counties, localities, school boards, water districts, etc.- shall all have the right to propose and vote on legislation, including amendments to constitutions, charters, etc., in parallel with representatives. Improvements over existing initiative …

David Swanson: Murder of US Citizens and Others Legal — Dissection of Eric Holder Speech

Murder Is Legal, Says Eric Holder By David Swanson Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday explained why it’s legal to murder people — not to execute prisoners convicted of capital crimes, not to shoot someone in self-defense, not to fight on a battlefield in a war that is somehow legalized, but to target and kill …

Search: lord james of blackheath (not) dead + Meta-RECAP

NOTE:  The original reports of his death have been discounted by various sources including the House of Lords.  What seems to be happening in deep background is a rearrangement of financial power relationships, with Asian centers rising and European centers falling.  There is no credible public intelligence on the matter. Lord James of Blackheath Describes …

Review: The Nazi Hydra in America – Suppressed History of a Century

Glen Yeadon 4.0 out of 5 stars Lacks Visualization and Genealogy, A Good Start,March 3, 2012 I eagerly anticipated receipt of this book, but when it arrived I had two immediate reactions: 01) A serious work that offers new information about American corporations betraying the public interest; and 02) Totally lacking in visualizations and “trees” …

Chuck Spinney: The Arrogance of Ignorance Plus Meta-RECAP

We are fighting Islamism from ignorance, as we did the cold war The west wasted trillions in needless conflict with the USSR. Now we are being brainwashed into confrontation with Iran Simon Jenkins, guardian.co.uk, Thursday 1 March 2012 20.00 GMT Were we wrong? I have lived through two global conflicts: the west against Russian communism …