Penguin: Chart of What #GoogleGestapo Knows About You…

Here’s What the Big Tech Companies Know About You The below chart severely understates what can be known about individuals, families, communities, and demographics. It does not consider the data obtained by recursing across data, for example, medical issues, arrests, gun registrations, etcetera. This is where Amazon is making its play for the police state …

Robert Steele: Open Letter to GeekWire on Gab, #GoogleGestapo, the ADL/AIPAC, & the Future of Public Cyber

In re After GoDaddy cut ties following Pittsburgh shooting, Gab back online thanks to Seattle startup I ran a false flag for the CIA and am a top author on false flags including edited works for the President on 9/11 and Sandy Hook at and I also published the below free version at …

Robert Steele: Plans for Displacement of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2

UPDATE 1: Our lead engineer explorer comments. Please note that Thin Thread from Pretty Good Knowledge will be the backbone of our global search and sense-making engine. The malicious digital assassination of Gab has energized funders and plans are advancing for a calculated integral displacement of the entire #GoogleGestapo ecology that should be — but …

Berto Jongman: Peter van Buren on Google as Fascist Censor #GoogleGestapo

Google Wants to Be Your Media Mommy The company suggest it may have to protect us from the bad things that elected Trump and speech that makes us feel unsafe. Google might soon add its terms of service to the First Amendment. A leaked document from the tech giant argues that because of a variety of …

Tom Luongo: Attack on Gab is a #GoogleGestapo Conspiracy (Shooter Had Equally Vile Accounts with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter)

Attack on Gab Proves Speech Was Never Free Why is Gab targeted? Because Gab is a true alternative to Twitter which exists outside of the control of the financial and political oligarchy. With the recent passing of the EU’s “Link Law” which is designed to shut down opposition voices, the merged corporate/political oligarchy are moving …

Berto Jongman: Charles Hugh Smith on Shadow Banning and Digital Assassination by #GoogleGestapo

Shadow Banning Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg: We’re All Digital Ghosts Now If you do a search of shadow banning, you’ll find sites that claim to help you identify whether Twitter or Instagram has shadow banned your account. The basic idea of shadow banning is to spoof the shadow-banned user into believing their public posts are visible to …