UPDATE 1: Our lead engineer explorer comments. Please note that Thin Thread from Pretty Good Knowledge will be the backbone of our global search and sense-making engine.
The malicious digital assassination of Gab has energized funders and plans are advancing for a calculated integral displacement of the entire #GoogleGestapo ecology that should be — but is not — under RICO investigation.
Below in full text online and also as a downloadable word document, are pieces we are looking at, authored by one of our European partners (we are also talking to BRICs minds – e.g. SciHub this will be a customer-content system, not a shit system of walled gardens with built-in controls) We have recommended to Gab that they merge with Mastodon, the first $1M will go there. The second $1M is destined for BitChute.
Suggestions for Big Social Alternatives
The list as displayed in the table is an extensive list of the best and biggest alternatives of a range of services from GAFTA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon). Otherwise known as Big Social. This is an incomplete list (e.g. it does not include the most obvious alternative to WordPress, Squarespace). This is the European counterpart to my own longer list.
Downloadable document has color-coded the options. Here bold represents most accessible (value privacy) and italics represent open source.
Google's youtube | Peertube, D.Tube, Brighteon.com, Bitchute, LiveLeak, Pewtube |
Android app store | F-Droid, SlideME, GetJar |
Gmail/yahoo/hotmail | provider email, protonmail.com, mailfence.com, tutanota.com |
google drive(MS onedrive &Dropbox) |
Nextcloud, Spideroak, Sugarsync, Tresorit |
Google Translate | Reverso, vertalen.nu |
Facebook, Google G+ | Friendica, Steemit, Minds, MeWe, Ello, Diaspora, Onstellar |
Facebook's Whatapp | Telegram, Path, Zenly |
Google maps, Bing Maps | OpenStreetMaps, Yandex Maps, Mapquest, Mappy, Here maps |
https://gab.com, Mastodon, GNU Social,Diaspora, Misskey, Pleroma | |
https://voat.co | |
Amazon | Barnes & Noble,Alibaba, Aliexpress, Ebay, Newegg,Bol.com, local shop |
Meetup | groupspaces, CitySocializer |
Paypal | Hatreon, Patreon |
Flickr, imgur, photobucket | Pixelfed, PeerPx, GNU MediaGoblin |
Blogger, wordpress.com | Write.as, Plume |
Google, bing, yahoo | DuckDuckGo, qwant.com, goodgopher.com |
This list is partly geared towards European alternatives. To include as much non-American options as possible. I see 3 categories in this list.
-The first one are he most accessible ones. Traditional platforms who value privacy and freedom of speech.
-The second one are the crypto alternatives. Who inherit the above values. They are based on cryptocurrency ledgers to offer this protection. And they also provide monetarization options.
-The third option are the open-source decentral options. This group is very large and is based on a core set of innovative opensource networking protocols & standards. They offer unrivalled protection against censorship. They also solve the social addiction issue by not using the mind manipulation design techniques used by Gafta
My view on this is that the open-source options deserve much attention and some marketing efforts. They have the better technical backbone and have my preference. What is lacking is some monetisation options as with crypto. People trying to build a business have currently no option earning money on the network. Patreon and hatreon are options but not very practical.
This is a working area. Perhaps trough some integration. Another might be the ability to login in several instances or federations in the fediverse, with a single account made on one instance. Some kind of user-centric universal identity system.
There are two last options besides marketing-marketing. One is an android replacement like Sailfish, ubuntu phone(ubports.com) or Librem phone. A major manifacturer should back this together with F-droid app store.
The second is some user frustration. To register with the decentral ones. you have 3 options, facebook, twitter or email. People think the facebook/twitter account is needed to sign-up. This needs clarification as it looks weird to be a facebook alternative and still provide this option. It migt be better to move this option to the add friends section.

ROBERT STEELE: I have reached out to Shiva Ayurdurai, we are in the process of raising $100M that will be offered to President Donald Trump with two requests: that he direct the US Postal Service to be our store front; and that he implement our suggestions for the White House floor space now wasted on media scum.
DOC (1 Page): Alternatives to #GoogleGestapo
See Especially:
The Future: Recent “Core” Work by Robert Steele UPDATED
See Also:
Our lead engineer explorer comments:
Our last discussion about open source social networks and open source internet was somewhere at the end of last month. But I kept investing time and research into it. And my understanding of it keeps progressing each day. What they are doing is truly remarkable. Previously I was of the understanding that Mastodon was the bigger network of them all and was the face of the movement. It is still one of the most popular. However many agree it is not the best coded platform. Pleroma is far more efficient, feature complete and tiny. And holds a better implementation of the Activitypub protocol. (you can run a pleroma of several hundred people on a raspi!)
The implementation of the underlying protocols like Activitypub, DFRN, Zot, Ostatus, Diaspora and others is very important. It is thé backbone of creating a coherent eco-system of platforms being able to communicate with each other. If you have a diffrent implementation you might end up being a bit incompatible with others. So that's a point of attention. In that aspect this article is a intersting read. https://medium.com/we-
The whole notion and technology of federation only got thought up in 2010 and was only developed in the 2010-2014 period. So we are really looking at fledgeling technology. Yet the power and impact is undeniable. And it cannot be overestimated.
Concerning the more mature, feature complete and right implementation platforms are currently Pleroma, Friendica and Hubzilla. The 2 latter can apparently see the most of the networks. I am a regular attendee on mastodon but i will give Pleroma a shot next week.
There is a nice site who tries to collect a lot of nodes and instances and has a nice overview of the whole fediverse. check it out: https://the-federation.info
In one of my earlier mails i talked about the idea of having a central identity system. I would describe it as follows:
“users should be allowed to move their profile to another instance, call it a home instance friends & follow lists are stored in a format that contains the instance and their username if a user changes their home instance and thus move their profile. their friends & follow list will be notified and the change
will be pushed towards their own friends & follow list. the change meaning the username@instance will be changed to the new value. ”
Apparantly Ostatus lays the groundwork and Zot provides much of this functionality as nomad identity concept. However, this Zot is fairly new in the fediverse and little adoption has been done. This could really be the base of a user centric social web. Where you own your social graph and can migrate and move it to other platforms and instances as you like.
I noticed Gab is back and found a new server. Its sad they did not federate. But perhaps it will take them time to refractor their code to integrate Activitypub.
And the last few weeks your Trumpet idea was always in the back of my head. It is basicaly a voting/polling system that has elaborate reporting functionality. And your base to have the postal service create an email identity for everyone is a good starting point. But perhaps it is better to tie the identity towards social security number. That way the system can be used in european countries as well. Where we have something called “rijksregister number”. its translated as gouverment register number and is given at birth when you register that birth. So that can be a unique identifyer and can possibly be combined mobile phone number or computer IP. To make it fitting for today's tech world.
There are many voting systems that you can use. But i came across an intresting option which i think you will like. http://democracyos.org/
Btw, there is an activitypub plugin for wordpress. And a federated wordpress called Plume. The same can be done with Hubzilla.(if you want to move away from WP)

ROBERT STEELE: I am informed that our money moves on or about 1 December. At that time we will start planning a national open conference for the February timeframe. Our goal is nothing less than 200 million registered citizen voters in the USA, and a complete open source system that can be federated to any other country by others.
I am in touch with both Chinese and Russian personalities, and indirectly with Kim Dotcom. The integrated open source non-censorable alternative to #GoogleGestapo is in gestation. It will be international.
Blockchains are digital public accounting systems in which transactions between users are stored in a secure, verifiable and permanent way.
Crypto is encoding so that a key is needed to access the content.
Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that are built on top of blockchains.
See Also:
What the Hell are the Differences Between Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies?