David Swanson: Murder of US Citizens and Others Legal — Dissection of Eric Holder Speech

Murder Is Legal, Says Eric Holder By David Swanson Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday explained why it’s legal to murder people — not to execute prisoners convicted of capital crimes, not to shoot someone in self-defense, not to fight on a battlefield in a war that is somehow legalized, but to target and kill …

David Swanson: Nobel Peace Prize in Toilet – Pressure Mounts to Rescind Obama Award and Clean Up the Entire Process

Petition: Investigate Betrayal of the Nobel Peace Prize Dear Members of Stockholm’s County Administrative Board: The signers of this petition include an array of peace groups and peace activists based in the United States.   The undersigned wish to endorse and support the investigation that Stockholm’s County Administrative Board has reportedly begun based on it supervisory …

David Swanson: Virginia Says No to NDAA Lawless Imprisonment of US Citizens – States Separating from Federal – Plan for Collapse?

Virginia Says No to Lawless Imprisonment Good things do come out of the Virginia state legislature.  That normally reprehensible body has just stood up to the federal outrage that has come to be known as the NDAA.  The letters stand for the National Defense Authorization Act, but at issue here is not the bulk of …

David Swanson: Could Impeachment Threat Stop Attack on Iran? Photos of Depleted Uranium Babies

Where is Conyers with Impeachment Threats Against President for Iran Attack Now? By Ralph Lopez It may have been the one and only thing which prevented an attack on Iran during the Bush years. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee John Conyers spent years fending off nationwide calls to impeach George W. Bush over the invasion …

David Swanson: Deep Insights Into MICC Misbehavior Focus on Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, General Dynamics

Phi Beta Iota:  The meat is below the line, itemizing corporate misbehavior and political bribes in relation to awarded contracts, most of which do not produce needed capabilities that live up to their Powerpoint engineering. The Election We Should Be Following For progressives and populists around the country who take an interest in Congressional races …