Robert Steele: Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0

Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 Can Open Source Evolutionary Cybernetics Leverage Distributed Human Intelligence While Advancing Artificial Intelligence? DOC (16 Pages): 20151018 Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 DOC (3 Pages): D3 Innovation Memorandum 2.1 (to VP, SecState, SecDef, D/OMB, A/USAID delivered 14 October 2015) SHORT URL: ABSTRACT The information and intelligence (decision-support) domains have lost their …

Robert Steele: Open Source (Technologies) Agency

استخدام جوجل ترجمة للقراءة باللغة العربية 使用谷歌翻译在中国阅读 Использование Google Translate для чтения на русском языке Google Türkçe Oku Çevir kullanın SHORT URL: 8 Oct 2015 updated 8 Dec 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR  VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

David Brin: The Half Life of Secrets

Surveillance: A Golden Age or Dark Days? My friend and info-perceptive wiseman Peter Swire, who helped to formulate the post-Snowden NSA reforms issued by the Obama Administration, has a series of articles and white papers of interest to anyone who is serious about the core topic of our era.

Jean Lievens: David Bollier on Dangers of Proprietary Code – the Volkswagen Example

Volkswagen Scandal Confirms the Dangers of Proprietary Code There is one notable aspect to the Volkswagen emission-cheating scandal that few commentators have mentioned:  It would not have happened if the software for the pollution-control equipment had been open source. Volkswagen knew it could defraud consumers and deceive regulators precisely because its software was closed, proprietary …

Review: Big Data, Little Data, No Data – Scholarship in the Networked World

Christine L. Borgman 5 Stars Major Contribution with Some Oversights This book is extremely well-developed and and a major contribution, not least because it it one of the best explorations of information ecologies that are vastly more intricate and cover vastly more time, energy, and locational space, than most realize. It was recommended to me …