Jean Lievens: Rob Kitchin on Data-Driven Urbanism — Not So Smart, Serving Special Interests

Data-Driven, Networked Urbanism by Rob Kitchin offers a a useful overview of the various critiques of smart cities. Abstract: For as long as data have been generated about cities various kinds of data-informed urbanism have been occurring. In this paper, I argue that a new era is presently unfolding wherein data-informed urbanism is increasingly being …

Category: Open Source Everything

Category:Open Source Everything Below are the nine sub-categories for Open Source Everything as documented in a preliminary manner at the P2P Foundation wiki. Open Data Open Governance Open Health Open Infrastructures Open Intelligence Open Manufacturing Open Provisioning Open Software Open Space Below the fold: 60+ opens as distributed across above sub-categories.

中国 OSE Manifesto in Chinese

另请参阅一个开源的(技术)机构的提议在,谷歌翻译,可以用来读取,在简化或传统中国人。作者是被邀请到中国讨论这些可能性非常感兴趣;他在新加坡长大,将荣幸地被要求在中国建立或亚洲这在任何地方。 Lìng qǐng cānyuè yīgè kāiyuán de (jìshù) jīgòu de tíyì zài http://Tinyurl.Com/VP-OSA, gǔgē fānyì, kěyǐ yòng lái dòu qǔ, zài jiǎnhuà huò chuántǒng zhōngguó rén. Zuòzhě shì bèi yāoqǐng dào zhōngguó tǎolùn zhèxiē kěnéng xìng fēicháng gǎn xìngqù; tā zài xīnjiāpō zhǎng dà, jiāng róngxìng dì bèi yāoqiú zài zhōngguó jiànlì huò yàzhōu zhè …

Yoda: US Congress Goes Open Source

House gets green light for open source The House of Representatives has officially jumped on the open source bandwagon. A June 25 announcement declared that U.S. representatives, committees and staff would be able to procure open source software, participate in open source software communities and contribute code developed with taxpayer dollars to open source repositories.