Event: 1/31 Stimson Center Washington DC The Ivory Tower, the Beltway, and the Fourth Estate

1/31, Washington, DC: “The Ivory Tower, the Beltway, and the Fourth Estate.” Organized by the Carnegie Corporation and the Stimson Center, the workshop’s objective is to highlight the promise and challenges of bringing together academic social scientists in the area of national security affairs and strategize about how to strengthen the bridge between the Ivory …

Marcus Aurelius: SSI Monograph on Known Unknowns – Unconventional “Strategic Shocks” in Defense Strategy Development

Ladies and Gentlemen: You may want to check out US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute paper at link below and attached: Read with a view to some of the strange things that have been ascribed to FEMA. KNOWN UNKNOWNS: UNCONVENTIONAL “STRATEGIC SHOCKS”IN DEFENSE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Nathan Freier Strategic Studies Institute, November 2008 EXTRACTS:

Noam Chomsky: Should World “De-Americanize?”

De-Americanizing the World Truth Out, 5 November 2013 Originally written in 2012 During the latest episode of the Washington farce that has astonished a bemused world, a Chinese commentator wrote that if the United States cannot be a responsible member of the world system, perhaps the world should become “de-Americanized” — and separate itself from …

Parag Khanna: The End of the Nation-State?

The End of the Nation-State? New York Times, 14 October 2013 Singapore — Every five years, the United States National Intelligence Council, which advises the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, publishes a report forecasting the long-term implications of global trends. Earlier this year it released its latest report, “Alternative Worlds,” which included scenarios for …

Marcus Aurelius: CSA Interview + AWC SSI Reminder — Answers from the 1990’s Long Ignored…

PDF (1 Page): (U) CSA Interview (Defense News, 28Oct13)-1 Interview GEN. RAY ODIERNO US Army Chief of Staff Defense News 10/28/2013 At last week’s Association of the United States Army annual meeting and exposition in Washington, thousands gathered to hear senior leaders explain where the service is headed in this era of austerity. And the …