Robert Steele with Hanne Nabintu Herland, Our political system is totally corrupted (Video, 25:24)

Interview Summary: NEW Herland Report TV Show: Our political system is totally corrupted, rigged for “pay-for-play”, Robert David Steele Core Reference: Memoranda for the President: 9/11 Truth Other Audio-Visual Interviews with Robert David Steele RELATED: Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia, “Counterintelligence Failure by CIA and NSA in Venezuela: An Opportunity for President Donald Trump to …

Executive Intelligence Review: ZEPP-LAROUCHE WEBCAST Be Optimistic! Trump-Putin Phone Call Advances the New Paradigm

ZEPP-LAROUCHE WEBCAST Be Optimistic! Trump-Putin Phone Call Advances the New Paradigm So they had now a long talk, discussing economic issues, trade relations, investments; but also strategic, security-related issues. They reportedly discussed North Korea, Venezuela, Ukraine, and also the fact that the charge of Russian “meddling” in the 2016 campaign is now over. On Venezuela, …

Kit Knightly: Obvious Dirty Dealings Behind Julian Assange’s Arrest

The Obvious Dirty Dealings Behind Julian Assange’s Arrest The US has been planning to have Julian Assange handed over for a longtime, that much is obvious. Mike Pence, the Vice President, was visiting Ecuador last year, notionally to discuss the Venezuela situation, and trade. But it was fairly obvious at the time, and even more so …