Caitlin Johnstone: Debunking All the Assange Smears

Debunking All The Assange Smears Corrupt and unaccountable power uses its political and media influence to smear Assange because, as far as the interests of corrupt and unaccountable power are concerned, killing his reputation is as good as killing him. If everyone can be paced into viewing him with hatred and revulsion, they’ll be far …

Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Organized by Macron, Insurance Fraud, Funding Paris Olympics, Saving EU & Central Banks UPDATE 18

SHORT URL: I was  devastated by the total burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who survived what might otherwise have been a certain death. The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister …

Scott Bennett: What Assange Will Tell Congress…

Julian Assange will be presenting material to the US Congress which will do the following: 1.  Confirm that Russia did not provide the cables and emails and other computer materials obtained from the Democrat National Committee computer servers, but instead confirm that Congressional staffer Seth Rich was the source, and was killed for it.  Julian …

Strategic Culture: Julian Assange Is Guilty Only of Revealing the Evil Soul of US Imperialism

Julian Assange Is Guilty Only of Revealing the Evil Soul of US Imperialism Assange is “guilty” of two “cardinal sins”: revealing US war crimes committed in Iraq and committing the unpardonable sin of publishing the emails of Clinton, Podesta and the Democratic National Committee, thereby revealing such chicanery in US domestic politics as the fraud …

John Pilger: Assange Arrest a Warning…

Assange Arrest A Warning From History  The glimpse of Julian Assange being dragged from the Ecuadorean embassy in London is an emblem of the times. Might against right. Muscle against the law. Indecency against courage. Six policemen manhandled a sick journalist, his eyes wincing against his first natural light in almost seven years.

Kit Knightly: Obvious Dirty Dealings Behind Julian Assange’s Arrest

The Obvious Dirty Dealings Behind Julian Assange’s Arrest The US has been planning to have Julian Assange handed over for a longtime, that much is obvious. Mike Pence, the Vice President, was visiting Ecuador last year, notionally to discuss the Venezuela situation, and trade. But it was fairly obvious at the time, and even more so …

Caitlin Johnston: Assange Is a Journalist — Press Freedom is OVER!

The US Government Won’t Care About Your Definition Of Journalism After The Assange Precedent Is Set The particular journalistic activities that the US is currently trying to extradite Assange for is encouraging a source to give him more documents and conspiracy to help Manning hide her identity so that she would not be persecuted for …