Stephen E. Arnold: Tables and News — or Tables and Decision-Support?

Tablets and Periodicals October 19, 2013 Are tablets the salvation of the newspaper industry? Google’s chief economist thinks they may be. In a speech he recently gave in Milan, Hal Varian points to the ways consumers’ usage of tablets differs from that of other devices. Writer Will Conley summarizes: “Varian said tablets are the most …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter Issue 66 Semtember 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 66, September 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 70,716 other activists. That’s 1,090 more than last month! View this issue online here: Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …

John Lievens: What’s Next for the Sharing Movement?

Peers will build on key aspects of the movement that Shareable, as a pioneering sharing movement organization, helped shape. Peers’ mission is to make sharing the defining economic activity of our time. They will do this through grassroots campaigns to make sharing more visible, grow the number of sharers, and legalize sharing. What’s Next for …

Mini-Me: Give Every Afghan a Radio? Or Give Every Afghan OpenBTS with a Radio App? + OpenBTS Meta-RECAP

Huh? Overheard in the World Cafe: Speaker A:  My friend is creating a wide-area radio network for Afghanistan. Speaker B:  Afghanistan has no infrastructure — including radio stations.  Although radio is popular, it is mostly shortwave, with a few local FM stations for the local Iman.  And electricity for radio stations is spotty at best …

DefDog: Cost-Price of Smart Phones Diving + AltC2 OpenBTS RECAP

Smartphone Makers Hit By Rising Competition Samsung gives weaker-than-expected earnings guidance and HTC posts tepid results EXTRACT: “The mid and entry-level smartphones are quickly picking up share, and are getting quite powerful in their capabilities,” said CK Lu, an analyst at Gartner in Taiwan. “Basically, a year ago, you didn’t have many choices in low-end …

Sepp Hasslberger: Renewable Source Electricity To Exceed Gas and Nuclear by 2016

It is good to see there’s progress towards getting off fossil fuels, but we still have a ways to go … and there are new free energy technologies being developed that may bring us there even faster. Energy Revolution Mark Dansie, 28 June 2013 Electricity generation from renewable sources worldwide will exceed that from …