Reflections: Citizen in Search of Integrity (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

This is an updated version of the 2002 original, “Citizen in Search of a Leader.” We are now in Epoch B. Instead of leaders, we need facilitators, and the leadership comes from within the larger collective as it achieves ethical transparent consensus. Summary of Qualifications America needs a facilitator that is balanced, thoughtful, integrative, supportive …

Steven Howard Johnson: Reflections on OSINT

Phi Beta Iota:  Mr. Johnson is the author of Integrity at Scale, free online, whose many ideas are being integrated into the vision for a Smart Nation Act and the hub of the Smart Nation, an Open Source Agency and global Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) network of networks.  He is a …

Review: Reflections on Higher Education

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg 5.0 out of 5 stars Relevant Today–Perhaps Still Not Appreciated Today, August 10, 2011 There is nothing in this book that I could disagree with, which instantly marks it as iconoclastic rather than traditional or elitist. This long-serving president spent close to three decades managing two universities, the longest The George Washington …

Dr. Russell Ackoff (P): Reflections on IC and DoD + Design RECAP

Doing the Right Thing for IC and DoD Dr. Russell Ackoff (P) The President wants $400B shaved off security over 12 years. The DNI thinks he is excluded from that number. Possibly, but that’s only because the President hasn’t yet come up with a similar number for intelligence. $80B for all intelligence is too much, …

Reflections on Tyranny versus Crowd Power

Sacrificial Crowds and Radical Power: A Meditation by Justin Rogers-Cooper, 19 May 2011 Advocate (CUNY Graduate Center) In early Jan­u­ary the BBC reported that Moham­mad Bouazazi, a Tunisian col­lege grad­u­ate who ille­gally sold fruits and veg­eta­bles in Sidi Bouzid, had died from his self-inflicted burns. He had set him­self on fire by dous­ing his body with petrol …