Perry Bezanis: Reflections on the Human Condition

“All governments and economic policies as we know them so far, are ‘mere artifacts of intellectual development so far’. Genetic imperative, meanwhile, drives the human life-form as a whole to ‘live as long as possible’ – but the only way of doing that is through science and science alone. American free-enterprise, capitalist democracy, in other …

Mini-Me: Vaclav Havel – Reflections on Dissent & Democracy

Vaclav Havel personified the “power of the powerless.”  He understood — as John Paul II understood – the value of integrity, the value of truth.  The second paragraph in the article below is all too eerily suggestive of the USA in an era characterized by weapons of mass deception, unlawful indefinite detention, warrantless surveillance, and …

Brief OWS Reflections

Recent Communications Regarding Some Personal Occupied Wall Street Involvements by Jason Liszkiewicz November 26, 2011 (This is an edited email) Corporation$ = Persons + Money = $peech is a commonly agreed upon absurdity from what I’ve witnessed. “Electoral reform” is language that I think turns many people off and perhaps it’s time for a makeover …

Amitai Etzioni: Reflections for Public Intellectuals & Other Contributions

Amitai Etizioni Et  Al (33 pages) Amitai Etzioni: Reflections of a Sometime-Public Intellectual Jacob S. Hacker, You Might Be A Public Intellectual If…A Checklist for Political Scientists, a Challenge for Political Science Gary Orfield, A Life in Civil Rights Lorenzo Morris, Rules for Public Intellectuals Theodore J. Lowi, Public Intellectuals and the Public Interest–Toward a …