John Pilger: The War on Democracy Comes Home

Recommended by Paul Craig Roberts, Institute for Political Economy John Pilger describes the reality hidden behind the cloak of anglo-american “democracy.” Phi Beta Iota:  This describes the crime against humanity, the atrocity, of cleansing the population of the islands now known as Diego Garcia.  If We the People do not hold our government accountable, then …

Mini-Me: Seized USG Bonds are Fake – USG Says So! + Meta-RECAP

Hmmm. WHAT IF these bonds are actually real? WHAT IF this box is very, very real? The bogus billion dollar bill: Eight arrested after Italian police seize $6 TRILLION of fake U.S. bonds Authorities have confiscated $6trillion in counterfeit U.S. bonds – including phoney billion dollar bills – at the request of Italian prosecutors. In …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria, Russia, US, Iran, Israel, Lies, & Truth + RECAP

Syria: Special comment. Readers are rightly perplexed about conditions in Syria. Syrian press restrictions inhibit any neutral or balanced coverage. Everything reported from opposition sources and activists is biased and some reports of massacres include manufactured images, according to eyewitnesses. International news descriptions of a worsening crisis receive no offsetting coverage of testimony from non-Sunni …

Paul Craig Roberts: The Real Economic Picture

The Real Economic Picture If you have any money and you want to understand the lies that “your” government tells you with statistics, subscribe to John Williams John Williams is the best and utterly truthful statistician that we the people have. The charts below come from John Williams Hyperinflation Report, January 25, 2012. The …