Gordon Duff: Mind Control, Lef-Right Myth, Re-Connecting to Reality + Meta-RECAP

Mind Control and the “Left – Right” Paradigm Veterans Today, 4 Sep 2012 EXTRACT: Anyone with a realistic view would, as I have suggested before, vote in a powerful and charismatic leader, have the Supreme Court disbanded, disband congress, have a realistic constitution written, disband the Federal Reserve, fire 85% of our senior military, 50% …

David Isenberg: Intelligence On Demand in a Mobile Device – Hardy Har Har Choke Cough Gag with Comments by Robert Steele & RIchard Wright

INTEL-ON-DEMAND IN A WEB 2.0 WORLD IntelNews / by Timothy W Coleman Aug 21 2012 ► Aug 11. In the United States, the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), “the highest-level intelligence analysis targeted at the key national security issues and concerns of the President”, is increasingly going digital. For that matter, so is much of the …

Mini-Me: Marine Officer on 9/11 – The Anomalies Continue to Surface

Huh? Phi Beta Iota:  As President Barack Obama faces what David Gergen calls one of three “choice” or turning point elections in modern US history, one has to wonder where he stands on the subject of the truth.  Below the line is a methodical review with many links from retired Marine Corps officer Jim Fetzer, …

Mini-Me: Time for NATO Truth & Reconciliation Commission? + NATO RECAP

Huh? DATE OF EVENT:  1980-06-27 2012-08-26  Botched 1980 Gaddafi Assassination Kills All Aboard 2012-08-25 An Assassination of International Proportions 27 June 1980 and A Cover-Up by NATO : civilian jet with 81 civilians shot by French Mirage instead of Qaddafi Plane over Sicily 2012-07-06 Wikipedia / Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870 2011-10-18 Libyan secret documents said to …

Search: design philosophy politics

This is an important search and made multiple times.  Whoever is thinking about this, consider getting in touch with Robert Steele, this is something he is thinking about right now, defining the future of Public Administration transformed into Public Governance and no longer government-centric. Selected Internal Search Results 2012 Integrity, Reflexivity, & Open Everything Reference: …