4th Media: Paul Craig Roberts on US Intelligence Lying to Congress

The Five CRIMINALS: In AMERICA, the Gestapo Has Replaced the RULE of LAW Paul Craig Roberts RT is the best English language news source available to Americans. On January 29, RT published a photo of 5 presidential appointees lying through their teeth to Congress. All five of these Gestapo wannabes are in violation of their …

Berto Jongman: OuterNet – Free Online Access from Outer Space – Starting with NYC?

Forget the Internet – soon there will be the OUTERNET: Company plans to beam free Wi-fi to every person on Earth from space An ambitious project known as Outernet is aiming to launch hundreds of miniature satellites into low Earth orbit by June 2015 Each satellite will broadcast the Internet to phones and computers giving …

Rickard Falkvinge: Copyright as Scam — Not Protecting Artists (the Many) Only Profits (for the Few)

The Copyright Monopoly Is A Scam That Hurts Artists As Much As The Public Copyright Monopoly – Zacqary Adam Green: So you’re an artist, author, or creative person, and you’ve heard the arguments against the copyright monopoly. That it locks away knowledge from the public. That it hurts free speech. That it’s declaring a monopoly on …