Journal: Wall Street & the Obama Administration

Chuck Spinney sends…. Obama’s Big Sellout The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway MATT TAIBBI Rolling Stone Dec 09, 2009 Phi Beta Iota: We include the entire article below to share Chuck Spinney’s value-added highlights.  See the original article without highlights by …

Review: World-Systems Analysis–An Introduction

Buy PAPERBACK Version–Rewarding but Disappointing December 10, 2009 Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein Do NOT buy the hard-copy. Amazon obscures the fact that the paperback is available, this is a very thin book, buy the paperbackWorld-Systems Analysis: An Introduction (A John Hope Franklin Center Book). I would have been furious had I bought the hard copy at …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 30 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Mercenary Mann says South Africa backed coup plot 11/29/09 AA: Are SA mercenaries assisting Guinea’s military junta? 11/26/09 AO: Angola: Armed forces reiterate support for public health services 11/26/09 CD: DR Congo appeals for arrest of FDLR leaders in Western countries 11/26/09 ET: Ethiopia’s Human Rights Reports presented to the African Commission …

Review: Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth

A Four Pumped to Five to Stave Off the Ideologues November 27, 2009 David C. Korten I would normally rate this book a four because of its lack of reference to Buckminster Fuller (see Critical Path; the Open Money movement; or the literature on wealth of networks, fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, and …