Robert Steele with Rob Kall: What Would an Open Source Secretary of Defense Look Like?

What Would an Open Source Secretary of Defense Look Like? by Rob Kall OpEdNews 25 December 2018 Interview with Robert David Steele Shortly after James Mattis resigned as Secretary of Defense, I noticed a post from Robert David Steele, whom I have interviewed in the past (Transcript 1, Transcript 2), who is himself a former …

SPECIAL: Veterans Today: Grand Mufti Blesses Meeting with Donald Trump, Ready to Help Save Christians Across the Middle East

VT Project: Saving Christians in the Middle East By Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini and Dr. Bassam Barakat, VT Damascus Veterans Today met with Syrian Grand Mufti Hassoun.  The Grand Mufti is Syria’s religious leader and the primary advisor to President Assad. He is also a close friend of VT’s Senior Editor, Gordon Duff, …

SPECIAL: Veterans Today Secretary of Efficient Defense or Secretary of Wasteful War? Robert David Steele as a Candidate – the Only Candidate with a Grand Strategy

Secretary of Efficient Defense or Secretary of Wasteful War? Robert David Steele as a Candidate – the Only Candidate with a Grand Strategy by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor James Mattis resigned because he represented the military-industrial complex (and its Zionist patron), and this brought him into conflict with the President, who is finally starting to …

Mongoose: Zion Strike 25 – Texas Fires Teacher for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel Oath

We do not make this shit up. This is a deepening of Zion Strike Four. The eradication of Zionist influence over the US economy, US government, and US society must be priority one going into 2020. Patriots everywhere should carefully explain the difference between Zionism (evil) and Judaism (good). Twitter Source with Comments (Unconstitutional? No …