SchwartzReport: US GMO Food is Mega-TOXIC

The Great Experiment: Genetically Modified Organisms, Scientific Integrity, and National Wellness STEPHAN A. SCHWARTZ, Columnist – Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing In September 2012, pictures of seriously tumorous rats (Figure 1) went viral across the Internet, setting off passionate and acrimonious exchanges between proponents and opponents of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Charges and …

SchwartzReport: Environmental & Food Intelligence CIA Will Never Compute

More evidence of the degradation of the marine environment. In 20 years natural seafood may be a memory. Acidic Ocean Hits Pacific Northwest ERIC NIILER – Chemical & Engineering News Yet more evidence of environmental degradation. We simply cannot seem to achieve the political will to save the world in which we live, and on …

SchwartzReport: Supreme Court vs. Monsanto, Autisim, Obesity, & Premature Puberty All Because of Corrupt Food Practices

Like a car careening down a mountain road, we seem unable as a people and as a nation to gain control of our government and to make it serve national wellness instead of profit. Day after day these stories track the degradation of our quality of life. Only mass demonstrations and mass voting is going …

SchwartzReport: Corrupt and Inept US Government Allows Rampant Food Substitution and Mislabeling — As High as 52% — California and New York City the Worst

Today’s issue is a selection of the many stories I have found showing the results arising from the efforts of the Theocratic Right to shape the world as they wish it. I want to be clear that this is only a selection. I could have picked 10 other stories. Because many of these efforts are …

SchwartzReport: Bees Make 70 of 90 Human Foods Possible — US Lost One Third of All Bee Colonies in 2012, While EU Striving to Protect Their Bees

Although there is still great resistance as you can see in this report slowly, at least in Europe, the truth about the role of pesticides and herbicides in the decline of the bees is being recognized. Here in the U.S. nothing is happening, even as the collapse of bee colonies increases. About one-third of bee …

SchwartzReport: Genetically Modified Food = Dead Bees No Pollination & Human Cancers in Throat, Kidneys, and Liver — Oh, We Almost Forgot — Infertility by the Third Generation of Eaters

Common Pesticides Threaten Bees, E.U. Watchdog Warns TANIA RABESANDRATANA – Science In spite of all the money being spent by Monsanto, Syngenta, and Bayer Crop Science and others to buy off governments the truth about the connection between neonicotinoids and the collapse of the bees is finally breaking through. Read full article. The Great Experiment: …