Berto Jongman: Trump & Sessions Agreed, Pedophiles Have to Go Down — FBI Set to Arrest 30% of Top Republican and Democratic Party “Leaders”

FBI: 30% Of Washington DC Part Of Elite Pedo Ring An FBI whistleblower estimates “close to 30% of the political spectrum” in Washington D.C. is connected to the elite pedophile ring that has been infiltrated by law enforcement, with “high level arrests of close to three dozen pedophile politicians” expected next week. The insider at the Federal …

Robert Steele: What Can Countries Do To Advance Peace?

ORIGINAL: Steele, Robert. “What Can Countries Do to Advance Peace?,” Russian International Affairs Council, January 27, 2017. What Can Countries Do to Advance Peace? The international book-makers are among the most intelligent and successful observers of the human condition. Right up to the night of the election in the USA, their odds against President Donald …

Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Future — Over Reince Priebus’s Dead Body…

As things now stand, Donald Trump will not finish his first term. This will be Donald Trump’s fault — and Reince Priebus’ fault. I explicitly accuse Reince Priebus of betraying Donald Trump by sacrificing the protection of Donald Trump and the longer-term healing of the country to Priebus’s own vested interests in protecting the short-term …

Owl: Are Koch Brothers Behind the PropOrNot Campaign to Discredit Those Skeptical of the Fake News and Lies from the Mainstream Media, Wall Street, and the US Government?

Who is Behind Prop or Not? The backers of the mysterious web site “prop or not,” which lists hundreds of allegedly fake news web sites, have appeared to be identified by the investigatory web site, “Wall Street on Parade,” according Paul Craig Roberts: The Martens find PropOrNot background ties to the billionaire Koch brothers, to …

Stephen E. Arnold: US Government Struggling with IT — 77% of funding consumed by O&M — while Palantir sues US Army for business….

US Government: Computer Infrastructure Notice that the US Federal government spent $0.68 cents of every IT dollar on operations and maintenance in 2010. Jump to the 2017 estimate. Notice that the status quo is likely to consume $0.77 cents of every IT dollar. Bam! Pow! Zap! Palantir Steps Up Fight with US Army I recall …