John Steiner: American Taliban Gathers for Home War

FYI…From two friends… As someone who once took an oath in the military to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, I have to wonder why a group that preaches taking over the government using “spiritual warfare” isn’t a domestic enemy.  Where is the line between freedom of religious expression and sedition? The …

John Steiner: Rescuing the American Dream

Trending today– Lakoff: How to Rescue the American Dream from the GOP’s Nightmare The Republicans are redefining “democracy”–but it’s time to remember what the real dream of democracy meant. George Lakoff and Glenn Smith AlterNet, 28 July Read the article… And here is the advertisement slated to start running in various newspapers. The American Dream.  …

John Steiner: Rebuild the Dream Pressures Democrats

To Rebuild the American Dream, Put Pressure On Democrats EXTRACT It would be great if progressive change could be achieved solely by pressuring Republicans, but that’s not how it works. It’s not just Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Congressmember Michelle Bachmann, and the Tea Party that hold back change – it’s the many Democrats who betray …

John Steiner: Christopher Schaefer on Wealth

Christopher Schaefer (PhD), gives us both a short essay below recommending two books, and at the link, a five-page essay, “Mind the Gap: Wealth Disparities, the Deficit, and our Economic Future.” CREATING COMMON WEALTH Christopher Schaefer It is now clear that the present global economic crisis is also a political and moral crisis raising fundamental …