VIDEO: What the Media Won’t Tell You About France and Notre Dame

 Phi Beta Iota: Above by a brilliant person in public service, worth listening to every word — 13:22 in length. See Also: Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Notre Dame False Flag Event – Did Satanist Macron Burn the Heart of Humanity to Save Himself and the Deep State? Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content (#GoogleGestapo)

Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content Currently, federal law does not offer much recourse for social media users who seek to challenge a social media provider’s decision about whether and how to present a user’s content. Lawsuits predicated on these sites’ decisions to host or remove content have been largely unsuccessful, facing …

Ed Jewett: How the Zionists Created a State of Submissive Anomie with Hollywood, Television, Mass Media, and Now #GoogleGestapo (Social Media Controlled by the Anti-Defamation League)

Barbara Honegger, one of the other 26 people who were brought together to create Memoranda for the President: 9/11 Truth, attended a Reagan-era Cabinet meeting at which CIA Director William Casey said ”We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”.

Robert Steele: President Trump’s Failed Communications — And Alex Jones Has a Point “Stop Social Media Censorship or Lose 2020”

Brad Parscale and Bill Shine don’t know what they don’t know.  Parscale is tripling down on micro-approaches to small donors within the base and its edges while neglecting everyone else because the Trump campaign simply does not have credibility or channels for blacks, suburban women, Latinos, or Independents as well as Libertarians, Constitution Party, and …