Caitlin Johnstone: US Political-Media Class Tries to Assassinate Ilhan Omar — They Failed

Why The Entire Political-Media Class Just Tried To End Ilhan Omar’s Career Well, now we all know what happens when a public official criticizes AIPAC. And of course, that was the whole idea. For the last two years the mainstream liberal establishment has been endlessly bleating about the need to elevate women of color to …

Randy Short: Rallying Blacks to Trump – Black White and Blue Film and Filmmaker Curtis Scoon Need to be Seen Across Alternative Media

Dear Robert Steele: There is a major shift in the political realm of Black American voters that is the equivalent to a philosophical civil war against the Democratic Party. The mainstream media has for three years falsely claimed that Blacks were tricked by Russian intelligence units into voting for Donald Trump. This propaganda is wholly false, …

Mike Adams: Fake News front group “NewsGuard” exposed as a massive protection racket to promote fake narratives from official sources while censoring indy media

Fake news front group “NewsGuard” exposed as a massive protection racket to promote fake narratives from official sources while censoring indy media NewsGuard is not designed to protect the public from fake news, but rather, to instill obedience to the mainstream media propaganda machine and begin the normalization of censorship. This isn’t just a war …

Event: Transition Town Consciousness Festival, Media, PA 20-23 April 2019

Climate, Consciousness and Community A Kosmos Summit Join us! | April 20-23, 2019 We invite you to join us for four days of deep learning, healing, and sharing, in Media, Philadelphia for the Kosmos Climate, Consciousness, and Community Summit. Engage in intimate dialogue and reflection as we confront truths and feelings about the converging crises we …

Ed Jewett: Jewish Comedians Pioneered Blackface

Blackface History Is Jewish History University of California religious studies professor Dr. Michael Alexander received a National Jewish Book Award for his book in which he asserts that minstrelsy—the public ridicule and mockery of the Black race—became identified with Jewish entertainers: “Jews performed this kind of minstrelsy in the 1910s and 1920s better and more …