David Isenberg: Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013

Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013 By Marcus P. Zillman, Published on December 18, 2012 LLRX.com (Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals) Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators (http://www.BotsBlogs.com/) is a keynote presentation that I have been delivering over the last several years, and much of my information comes from the extensive research that …

Michel Basuwens: The Relational State – The Human Factor

THE RELATIONAL STATE HOW RECOGNISING THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS COULD REVOLUTIONISE THE ROLE OF THE STATE Edited by Graeme Cooke and Rich Muir Featuring Lead Essays by Geoff Mulgan and Marc Stears Institute for Public Policy Research (UK), November 2012 click here for the pdf file (64 pages) Comment, Links, and Table of Contents …

Yoda: Social Science and Biology Share Contagion Meme

A NEW KIND OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOR THE 21st CENTURY A Conversation with Nicholas A. Christakis EDGE, [8.21.12] These three things—a biological hurricane, computational social science, and the rediscovery of experimentation—are going to change the social sciences in the 21st century. With that change will come, in my judgment, a variety of discoveries and opportunities …

Michel Bauwens: Interview on Empowering Citizens with ICT

Book: RedVolution: El poder del ciudadano conectado. Empodera.org This book contains both Spanish and English-language essays and interviews. This is the text we contributed, based on an email interview. Interview with Michel Bauwens Tell us a little about you I’m the founder of the P2P Foundation, a global research collaborative on the collaborative economy and …

Mini-Me: Google Co-Founder on Web Freedom Facing Greatest Threat

Huh? Web freedom faces greatest threat ever, warns Google’s Sergey Brin Exclusive: Threats range from governments trying to control citizens to the rise of Facebook and Apple-style ‘walled gardens’ Ian Katz guardian.co.uk, Sunday 15 April 2012 Sergey Brin says he and Google co-founder Larry Page would not have been able to create their search giant …

Reference: Gordon Cook on Technology, Economics & Public Interest – Occupy and the Current Global Downturn

2012-04-13 Cook Report Technology Economy and Public Interest Phi Beta Iota:  Gordon Cook sets the gold standard for thoughtful integrated observations and analysis of the Internet.  His materials is read by the greatest of pioneers such as Vint Cerf, as well as by those who aspire to be pionoeers, such as those building the Freedom …