Two Books: Open Government: Collaboration, Transparency, & Participation (Tired), Open Design Now: Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive (Wired)

The most basic definition of open government is the idea that people have the right to access the documents and proceedings of government. Being able to closely examine decisions, policies, and procedures is foundational to having the ability to make intelligent and informed decisions as a citizen, especially in a democracy where an informed electorate …

Venessa Miemis: Future of Facebook Survey Results

Future of Facebook survey results Thanks to everyone who participated and responded to the 4 question survey for the Future of Facebook Project. Below are your results! We’ll be integrating these responses with the ones given by the experts for our final video and written report. See four graphs. Phi Beta Iota:  Weak signals, most fascinating …

John Steiner: Declaration of Occupation of NYC + Revolution USA RECAP

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City Posted on September 30, 2011 by NYCGA This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on september 29, 2011As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all …

Graphics Directory (List & Small Images)

Below the line….alpha list of all graphics [in English] with embedded links. For Spanish-language graphics see AA Lista de Graficas (1) and [in reverse order as posted] AA Espanol (55).  Updated 2 Aug 2013. Click on the Link Above the Image to Reach Full Size Image, Comments, & Source Link

Venessa Miemis: People-Powered Markets– 60 Resources

People-Powered Markets — 60 Resources There is a growing movement towards peer-to-peer value exchange and production, prompted by a variety of things, like economic conditions, shifting cultural values, exploration into collective intelligence, and further enabled by social technologies. I’ve been tracking the online marketplaces that have been cropping up for sharing, swapping, gifting and renting, …