SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Micro-Nukes UPDATE 1: 97% at MAGA Rallies Agree This Is Real

From a source I had in the past who was in Israel, I personally believe that they developed micro-nukes based on lithium 7 and protons which function as implosive anti-matter micro-nukes placed ever ten floors in the twin-towers in the elevator shafts by now shut down elevator maintenance company that was working on elevators in …

Berto Jongman: Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates

Beacon and Warning: Sherman Kent, Scientific Hubris, and the CIA’s Office of National Estimates J. Peter Scoblic, a doctoral candidate at Harvard Business School, is a fellow in the International Security Program at New America and the author of U.S. vs. Them: Conservatism in the Age of Nuclear Terror. “From bias to probabilities, Kent anticipated …

Caitlin Johnstone: John Bolton, Psychopath Who Threatened to Murder an Envoy’s Children to Start Iraq War is Now Guiding the Planned War on Iran

Throughout his appearances on such outlets as Fox News, Fox Business, Fox & Friends, CNN’s The Lead, and Conservative Review, Bolton has been repeating the blatantly false talking point that Iran is somehow uniquely egregious in the Middle East in its support for terrorist factions, calling it the “world’s central banker for international terrorism.” Since we’re seeing so much John Bolton and …

Thierry Meyssan: Open Letter to President Trump on 9/11

Open letter to President Trump concerning the consequences of 11 September 2001 Mister President, The crimes of 11 September 2001 have never been judged in your country. I am writing to you as a French citizen, the first person to denounce the inconsistencies of the official version and to open the world to the debate and the search for …