Marcus Aurelius: Robots to Conduct Security Clearance Interviews

Really. This is not a spoof. If this is coming out of the National Center for Credibility Assessment, that must mean the school the Army runs for DoD down at Ft. Jackson, where they crank out polygraphers.  The polygraphers must be pooping their shorts.  They might have to go back to actually running investigations again. …

Berto Jongman: DARPA’s Four Big CyberSecurity Initiatives

DARPA unveils four ‘big’ cybersecurity projects The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working on what it calls the “four big things” to protect U.S. military technology from hackers. Cybersecurity is the latest big deal in military affairs. It’s one of the few growing areas of the nation’s defense budget at a time when most …

Mongoose: Snowden on US IC Security – Non-Existent – NSA Has No Idea What I Took and Zero Control Over Its Files

NBC News Exclusive with Brian Williams: Inside the Mind of Edward Snowden In a wide-ranging and revealing interview, Brian Williams talks with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about the global impact and debate sparked by his revelations. EXTRACT: “I will say the 1.7 million documents figure that the intelligence community has been bandying—about—the director of …

CRS Reference: Cybersecurity Authoritative Reports and Resources by Topic

Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic Rita Tehan, Information Research Specialist Congressional Research Service, May 22, 2014 This report provides references to analytical reports on cybersecurity from CRS, other government agencies, trade associations, and interest groups. The reports and related websites are grouped under the following cybersecurity topics: • policy overview • National Strategy …

Jim Dean: Asian Boomerang — China Calls for Security Alliance with Iran and Russia — Changes Dynamics for Afghanistan, Middle East, North Africa

China Calls for Security Alliance with Iran, Russia Editor’s Note: Well, it looks like Obama the Peacemaker image took another hit today. China, which has no overseas military bases and no carrier battle groups sailing the seas to defend its customers, considers itself a target and not a threat. Imagine that! The US “divide and …

Berto Jongman: US National Security Achilles Heel – Electromagnetic Spectrum’s Vulnerability to Being Fried

U.S. National Security’s Achilles Heel – The Electromagnetic Spectrum Over the past four years bills on cybersecurity, Electromagnetic Pulse threats, and other forms of “purposeful interference” with U.S. cyberspace have been introduced only to go nowhere. By now it has been well established that EMP, whether in the form of a Carrington Event of solar origin or the …