Chuck Spinney: The Logistics Sphincter of Afghanistan

This is one big chocolate mess.  It illustrates the strategic vulnerability arising from the grand strategic blowback effects of the extrajudicial liquidation program that is America’s drone war … which is viewed by the White House and Defense Secretary Panetta as the only game in town. Chuck Spinney Cannes, France U.S.-Pakistan Freeze Chokes Fallback Route …

Chuck Spinney: The Afghanistan Exit – Looting the Useful Idiots to the Bitter End

When Alexander the Great decided to leave Afghanistan, his plan was to exit via the Khyber Pass and march though what is now Pakistan and thence into India. But the Khyber was blocked by a warring Pashtun tribe. Legend has it that Alex’s exit strategy was to bribe another Pashtun tribe to open the door …

DefDog: USSR First, Then USA — Losers in Afghanistan — But the British Still the Most Hated

I often ask folks who the Afghan hates the most. The most common answer, the Russians….that is not true.  It is the British and it is reminded to them in their flag: The current Afghanistan flag is contained three solid colors such as black, red and green and each color represents a different page in …

Mini-Me: Cash, and Time, Runs Out for Afghanistan’s Wi-Fi City

Huh? Cash, and Time, Runs Out for Afghanistan’s Wi-Fi City It was a project that symbolized America’s grand ambitions to rebuild Afghanistan: a DIY Wi-Fi network, free for Afghans to use, powering the aid projects and business ventures of the eastern city of Jalalabad. But now funding for the JLink network has run dry, and …

Marcus Aurelius: Marine Corps Bans Audible Farting in Afghanistan

Washington – The United States Marine Corps has banned audible farting in Afghanistan because it is culturally offensive to civilians working with the military and members of the Afghan National Army. The Military Times Marine Corps blog, Battle Rattle recently posted the news that “audible farting has been banned for some Marines downrange because it …

DefDog: Afghanistan security deal Obama signed has holes

This represents one of the dishonorable acts a politician can commit. Using other people’s lives to win an election…….a clear indication of the lack of integrity of an individual who holds the highest office of the land….and the speech sounds like it was modeled after LBJ’s equally incoherent speech in the closing days of Viet-Nam.  …

Reference: US Military Information Operations in Afghanistan

U.S. Military Information Operations in Afghanistan Effectiveness of Psychological Operations 2001-2010 The U.S. Marine Corps, which has long recognized the importance of influencing the civilian population in a counterinsurgency environment, requested an evaluation of the effectiveness of the psychological operations (PSYOP) element of U.S. military information operations in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2010 based on …