David Swanson: Member of Veterans for Peace Alters Afghanistan Discussion on CNN

Member of Veterans for Peace Alters Afghanistan Discussion on CNN Scott Camil, a veteran of the second-longest U.S. war in history, that on Vietnam, radically changed a discussion of the longest war in U.S. history, that on Afghanistan, on CNN on Sunday. CNN’s Don Lemon tried repeatedly to explain troops posing with body parts as …

NIGHTWATCH: US “Leaders” Do Not Know Squat About War or Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN COMMENT: The photos published by the Los Angeles Times have been covered extensively by the US press, except for a few minor issues not mentioned by any news services. First of all, an Islamic suicide bomber is not someone who has abused his body, as some pundits opined today. On the contrary, he is …

NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan Lost, Syria Holding

Afghanistan: Comment: On the 16th, US and NATO officials praised the Afghan commandos for leading the counterattack against the small group of anti-government fighters who assaulted Kabul on Sunday. However, some seemed to undermine the significance of the Afghan achievement by minimizing the significance of the assault itself, calling it the last gasp of the …

Chuck Spinney: The Afghanistan Disaster Part II – The Long Hard Costly Exit

Given Nato’s political problems with Pakistan, the Brits have elected to leave Afghanistan along the so-called Northern route to the Baltic Sea (see my 27 November posting, Afghan Dunkirk for discussion of the selection).  Now, as Bryan Brady and Jonathan Owen report in the Independent, the entirely predictable baksheesh game has begun. Think of what the far larger, more logistics-intensive US …

Chuck Spinney: The Afghanistan Disaster Part I – When the War Comes Home

WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 6-8, 2012 Wait Till the War Really Comes Home The Afghan Disaster by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch The PR disasters over the last three months — including pictures of American troops urinating on Afghan corpses, the burning of Qurans, and the massacre of Afghan civilians, including women and children, by at least one …

DefDog: US Ignominious Collapse in Afghanistan II

This effort destroys any trust that may have been left…..days are numbered (to aid in an election also)….. New security for U.S. troops in Afghanistan By Lolita C. Baldor and Pauline Jelinek Associated Press, 28 March 2012 WASHINGTON — U.S. military commanders in Afghanistan have assigned “guardian angels” — troops that watch over their comrades …