Koko: Day of Rage 17 September–How Will it End?

Koko Signs:  Is anyone paying attention?  We gorillas consider this kind of thing extremely significant. U.S. Day of Rage planned for Saturday — an Arab Spring in America? By Elizabeth Flock Thousands of people from across the country are planning to converge on Wall Street this Saturday to protest America’s “corrupt democratic process” and the …

Koko: American Pathos – The Facts, Just the Facts

These are the facts.  Just the facts. AMERICA TODAY: Heartbreaking Pictures From New Jersey’s Homeless ‘Tent City’ 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America     Stats That Show How America’s Middle Class Is Being Wiped Out Of Existence Tip of the Hat to John Robb for the pointers.

Koko: Project Kleinrock – Mesh – Autonomous Internet

Koko Signs: Autonomous Internet good. Project Kleinrock good. Gorillas love liberty and scorn both the security state and the nanny state. Live free or die…. Project Kleinrock Following are the details of a project to create a completely autonomous “second layer” of the Internet, completely free of the influence of or need for Internet Service …

Koko: China’s Spilled Secrets–A Tipping Point

Koko Signs:  Secrecy–when it is pervasive–cannot be micro-managed.  As governments decline in legitimacy, and personal technologies become more pervasive than the instruments of secrecy, a tipping point is reached.  We’re there. Op-Ed China’s spilled secrets A remarkable YouTube video shows how hard it is to maintain control in a wired world. By David WiseLos Angeles …

Koko: Academic Ranking of World Universities 2011

Koko Signs:  Not a sign of any university that is actually holistic and committed to integrating knowledge.  All are being evaluated on the basis of their many stovepipes of knowledge. In the Maryland, District of Columbia-Virginia region, the following appear with their rank as shown. 18   Johns Hopkins University 38  University of Maryland, College Park …

Koko: CIA and Libyan Intelligence VERY Close, Including Rendition–meanwhile Fran Townsend Excels at Being a Vacuous Bimbo

Koko Sign:  Who is this blond vacuous bimbo that keeps appearing on television with nothing serious to say?  Yes, we gorillas know that vacuous bimbo is a tautalogical redundancy, it just seemed appropriate. Documents shed light on CIA, Gadhafi spy ties From Ben Wedeman, CNN September 3, 2011 7:15 p.m. EDT Includes video. Tripoli, Libya …