Koko: Weak Assumptions on Nuclear, Levee Designs

Nuclear Plants have not been designed for being flooded by tsunami nor for earthquakes of the sort anticipated in the near-term. Levees all across America–and perhaps in other parts of the world–have not been designed for “heavy weather” of the sort that destroyed the largest “conventional” levee protecting the city of New Orleans. This is …

Koko: CIA Bows to Islamic Radicals, with Strong Comment on Need for Religious Counterintelligence

Below is an exact reprint from the Association For Intelligence Officers (AFIO).   HOWEVER, AFIO does not endorse the tone of the article, only the fact of its appearance. The CIA Should be a bit more ‘CAIR’less. This week, a three-day conference hosted by the CIA on “homegrown radicalization” was supposed to have taken place at …

Koko: IBM Smart City and Portland OR Interactive Plan

How does a city work? Interactive model gives Portland answers. Rutrell Yasin Government Computer News, 9 August 2011 How does public transportation affect education? What impact does population density have on public health? Is there a connection between CO2 levels and obesity? Officials in the City of Portland, Ore., have collaborated with IBM to find …