20120716 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall ARCHIVE OF DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ALL ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT THE BOOK: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-Steele THE PERSON: http://tinyurl.com/Steele2012 All Opens Below Line .  Also Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Richard Wright: It’s Only Money – Why the IC Continues to Fail & Robert Steele: 10% Grade – A Dishonorable Discharge Needed

Its Only Money The posting of Jim Bamford’s Politico article on today’s Public Intelligence Blog or rather the accompanying comment on it by Robert Steele [Jim Bamford: How 9/11 Fearmongering Grew NSA Into a Very Expensive Domestic Surveillance Monster] identifies the principal problem with the outrageously expensive NSA.  His comment is directly related to earlier …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Ben Brownell

  Multidisciplinary freelance design artist and moonlight cultural theoristician Rogue Valley, Jefferson State USA. Today (2011): Studying and implementing sustainably abundant economic systems and enterprise Organizing local participatory democracy and ‘Gov2.0′ awareness/action Practicing collaborative frameworks and group process facilitation Developing a curation platform for engaging eco-social ‘good news’ Improvising interactive multimedia presentations for live events …

2011 Cyber-Command or IO 21 + IO Roots

Briefing  (28 Slides) Version 3.2 (Notes As Delivered) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Starting Point 2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings Below the Line: Unclassified Impressions & Questions, Three Books on Truth, Past OSINT and IO References with Emphasis on Multinational Sharing and Sense-Making