Reference: WikiLeaks and Al Qaeda as Open Source Insurgencies

Journal: The Security and Secrecy “Tax” – Global Guerrillas By John Robb at Global Guerrillas (Networked tribes, systems disruption, and the emerging bazaar of violence. Resilient Communities, decentralized platforms, and self-organizing futures) Wikileaks and Al Qaeda’s Open Source Jihad are both open source insurgencies. While there are obvious differences between the two, what’s more interesting …

Review: Rebooting the American Dream–11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country

Thom Hartmann Short Smart List, Not a Roadmap or Game Plan November 28, 2010 I almost did not buy this book because I know all this stuff already, but out of respect for the author, who is one of a number of individuals including Jim Fallows, William Greider, Matt Miller, Margaret Wheatley, and Tom Atlee …

Review: The Jihadis’ Path to Self-Destruction

Nelly Lahoud Superb Content Destroyed by Outrageous Price November 22, 2010 I was about to buy this book for its analytics (the jihaddists are not self-destructing, they are morphing) when I saw the price. This is another example of outrageous pricing that destroys the dissemination possibilities of knowledge. The author would be better off using …

Review: Operation Dark Heart–Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan — and the Path to Victory

USG Blows It, Makes This a Best-Seller October 5, 2010 Anthony Shaffer EDIT of 7 October 2010 to address the negatives. I can see I need to spell this out more clearly. 1) Let’s distinguish between the book and the heavy-handed (late) censorsorship. The book is an earnest personal effort by an experienced officer who …